Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Strange use for a blog...

This is an experiment in communicating cuts for a COSI FAN TUTTE production on October 31 and November 3, 2009 at Opera Memphis with cast members who are spread out across the country. Cut sheets are usually an exercise in translating numerical references to pages, scores and bars. While I am going to provide this information, along with text references, I am also supplying pictures of the cuts themselves in a piano vocal score. These may (or may not) prove useful, depending on your preferred way of absorbing the information. It will definitely be useful to those who would prefer to mark their cuts in a different edition of the piano vocal score.

A blog will also allow for comments concerning the cuts.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very disappointed to learn that Opera Memphis has decided to engage as a director a person who has proven that his self-interest is more important than the interests of the arts community at large. There is no reason to have sympathy for Eric Dillner. He set out to enrich he and his wife at the expense of the Milwaukee arts community. After he finally resigned, he got a handsome severance package and now sypmathy from Memphis. This only serves to suggest that what Eric did in Milwaukee and Shreveport (those hefty fees for his wife's terrible education programs)is okay with the establishment. I will not rest until this man is completely side-lined from the arts community in this country.
